Gratitude Blog
About the Blog
Welcome to my blog, Gratitude in Practice. My mission is to translate gratitude research – my own and others’ – into practical strategies that are relevant to the current dilemmas and challenges we face. You will find the relevance of gratitude as we explore topics ranging from how gratitude helps us when we are busy or in difficult relationships to its role in elite sport. I hope you enjoy engaging with these ideas and if so, please share it with others or invite them to sign up to my newsletter. I would also love to hear your ideas, whether it’s a comment on a particular blog, or if you have topics/questions you would like me to write about, so please contact me here.

Stay Connected
- Cross-cultural gratitude
- Gratitude
- Gratitude and Resentment
- Gratitude In Adversity
- Gratitude in education
- Gratitude in elite sport
- Gratitude practice
- How can we find gratitude in the midst of grief?
- How thanking awakens us
- Online course
- Reinventing difficult relationships
- Six pillars of gratitude
- Uncategorized
© Kerry Howells, 2021. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of blog posts without express and written permission from this site’s author is prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used but full and clear credit should be given to Kerry Howells and you!