Gratitude in Education.
A Radical View.
At a time when many of us are looking for new paradigms that can lead to an increase in our care of the environment and each other, this book offers a perspective that places education at the heart of positive change in areas of global significance.
“Kerry’s vision for the power of gratitude as the transformative focus for schools and the communities they belong to, is inspiring!”
Book Summary
Teachers at all levels of education will find this book practical and inspiring as they read how other educators have engaged with challenges that reveal different dimensions of gratitude, and how some have discovered its relevance in gaining greater resilience, improved relationships and increased student engagement.
Hailed by reviewers as “groundbreaking” this was the first book in the world written on the role of gratitude in teaching and learning. Since its publication it has been the text used by over 20 professional book clubs and the central text for a very popular university course initiated by Dr Kerry Howells at
the University of Tasmania: Gratitude in Education. The book has also been used globally to guide education programs and positive psychology courses.
Although written for leaders and teachers in the education context, Gratitude in Education has found a special place for readers who come from other professions, as well as parents, gratitude enthusiasts, and those seeking self-development.
“Howells writes with educators in mind, but Gratitude in Education is accessible to anyone interested in developing a way of seeing and being that humbly, authentically, and actively gives thanks for gifts received.”
Professor Susan E Carlson
Why I wrote Gratitude in Education: A Radical View
I started researching gratitude when I observed that my students were more attentive and engaged in their studies when they applied gratitude practices and when I cultivated my own inner attitude of gratitude as their teacher. This motivated me to develop gratitude programs for teachers, pre-service teachers and school leaders. Gratitude in Education: A Radical View was written in response to the many requests that I received from these educators for a book about the role of gratitude in enhancing teaching and learning. It was also inspired by their stories about the power of gratitude to bring about increased resilience, connectedness, teacher effectiveness and student engagement. Although the effects of gratitude have been explored in other fields, this was the first book to be written on gratitude in the context of education and has been used widely by professionals in other fields.
Book Endorsements
Book Club
Want to go deeper with this book by joining a book club with Kerry?
Who is book club for?
Book club is an opportunity to read and reflect both individually and as a group. It’s for anyone who wants to dive deeply into the meaning of gratitude and its relevance for their personal and professional life. This includes leaders, educators, health workers and other professionals, parents, researchers, academics and gratitude enthusiasts.
Why participate in book club?
To grow your capacity for:
- Enhanced ability to lead/educate/parent/learn with gratitude
- Deeper connection with others who are searching for new ways of being and doing
- Greater self-awareness and skill around the way you express and receive gratitude and the potential of this to create flourishing relationships
- Deeper understanding of the many dimensions of gratitude and how they grow resilience and wellbeing
- Implementing gratitude practices that are accessible, authentic and meaningful
- Addressing resentment in ways that enable gratitude to be more easily and sincerely expressed
- Character growth through practising gratitude when going through adversity
“Book club has exposed me to different approaches to the practice of gratitude at both a personal and communal level. I also found it to be a supportive environment to share my experiences, concerns, failures and triumphs.”