Gratitude In Adversity


For those of you who have joined me for the 30-day Gratitude Practice, you would have recognised that we started each day with an answer to the question why practise gratitude? In particular, why practise gratitude when we are facing adversity? If we find our own personal answer to this question, it can give meaning and purpose to our gratitude practice, and help us to keep going with it even when we find it difficult to do so.

Through decades of research on gratitude and my personal experience, I have found at least thirty answers as to why gratitude helps us in adversity. The power of gratitude at these times is magnificent. I will continue to explore why and how in my future blogs.

From the feedback I have received during this period, it has been interesting how people strongly resonate with a certain aspect of why gratitude is important to them. Some have wanted to practise gratitude because it helps them sleep better or feel calmer. Some want to practise gratitude because it helps them solve problems. For others, gratitude helps them to feel valued or reveals their interdependence and builds connection.

I have listed the thirty reasons why gratitude can help us in difficult times, to help you continue to reflect on and practise gratitude across the different aspects of your life.

For those of you who are new to this initiative, an important first step is to start with your why. You can follow me on Instagram to gain access to the associated gratitude practices.


  1. Invites us to resonate with why it’s important
  2. Helps us to offer thanks without wanting anything in return
  3. Spreads
  4. Gives us perspective
  5. Helps us overcome anxiety and depression
  6. Helps us sleep better
  7. Is a positive force against negativity
  8. Grows our character
  9. Helps us to be calmer
  10. Helps us to receive what others are giving
  11. Helps us to see things from nature’s perspective
  12. Connects us with our sense of the divine, the universe and with our spirituality
  13. Helps take us away from blaming others
  14. Brings a smile to our face
  15. Helps others to feel valued
  16. Helps solve problems
  17. Improves health and wellbeing
  18. Helps us to have a positive frame of mind
  19. Helps us to reflect
  20. Helps us to be grateful to our self
  21. Reveals our interdependence
  22. Helps us to not take things for granted
  23. Makes us more generous
  24. Brings us more into the present moment
  25. Helps us to honour the efforts of others in the past
  26. Helps us to treasure the materials we use
  27. Enhances our sense of abundance
  28. Fosters humility
  29. Helps us to be our best self
  30. Helps us to deal with adversity

I wish you all the best in deepening your reflection on why gratitude is important to you when facing adversity.

With gratitude




Dr Kerry Howells is an author, award-winning educator and experienced researcher.

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