How can we find gratitude in the midst of grief?
Sadly and devastatingly, my very good friend Sue has inoperable brain cancer and only has a few months to live. Watching the grace with which she is handling this is nothing short of awe-inspiring.
Reinventing difficult relationships
There have been many views on how we can use this period of physical distancing and self-isolation as a time to take stock of what was working and what wasn’t in our lives before we were suddenly hit with this huge disruption.
Gratitude In Adversity
For those of you who have joined me for the 30-day Gratitude Practice, you would have recognised that we started each day with an answer to the question why practise gratitude?
Reflecting on 2020 through the lens of gratitude
As the year’s end is unfolding, I would like to take this opportunity to explore how we can reflect on 2020 through the lens of gratitude.
What does a gratitude practice look like?
I would like to share with you a story that was sent to me by a participant in one of my workshops on gratitude in education. The story moved me not only because of the impact that the teacher written about had on so many but also because his wide-spread reputation was based on his […]